Thursday, May 15, 2008

Travel Tips for Knitters

Being the gadabout I am, I've learned a bit about traveling and knitting that I thought I would share.

Tip One: No matter how knotted up and knitted out you may be from grinding a project out in the wee hours before you leave on an early morning flight, TAKE YARN AND NEEDLES with you. You may only need one little ball and one set of circs and you may not make anything but an FO, which is fine. The process of knitting is soothing. Travel often is not.

Tip Two: Be sure to pack a collapsible tote for the local yarn store you happen upon since you didn't follow Tip One.

Tip Three: A u-shaped travel pillow is invaluable for placing on your lap to contain the hand-rolled ball of yarn you bought because you didn't follow Tip One. If it falls during the flight, it will assuredly be at the plane's ascent and your ball will roll across the aisle and under the feet of many sleeping passengers for many rows behind you.

Tip Four: Be sure to bring a knitting magazine if you don't follow Tip One because it is possible there will not be a LYS where you are or it will not be open or you will not have transportation available to get to it. Newstands and book stores do not always have Vogue Knitting--I know you're shocked, as was I! Even if you can't knit, you will want to at least think about knitting!

Tip Five: Write down the fresh ideas you have in a different locale. Every new place and experience fosters creativity which will dissipate as soon as you start doing the laundry when you return home.

If you have a knitting travel tip, please share it!

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